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Dog Bag Pet Travel Products

Dog Bag Rucksack

Fitting your Dog Bag pet carrier into its rucksack

The Dog Bag pet carrier packs away into its own specially designed rucksack. The Small, Medium and Large Dog Bags all fit into the same rucksack which has two large external pockets for accessories. The Extra Small Dog Bag uses a smaller rucksack with only one pocket. You will find written and picture instructions below, or click on our Folding Movie option at the bottom of the page.

Dog Bag instruction 1

Dog Bag instruction 1

Dog Bag instruction 1

1. Take your Dog Bag and stand across one corner. Start to push one wired corner edge into the opposite corner, so that it looks "like an open book" (see insert on right - viewed from above). Make sure that it is tight into the opposite corner - a 'karate chopping' action helps!

Dog Bag instruction 2

2. Tuck in the flap of silver fabric, and then turn the Dog Bag so that the black mesh is nearest you.

Dog Bag instruction 1

3. Take hold of the black mesh end and start to roll it across the Dog Bag

Dog Bag instruction 4

4. When you can't roll any further without falling over, change your hand position so your fingers are on top of the fabric. Keep on rolling!

Dog Bag instruction 5

5. Take hold of the black mesh end and start to roll it across the Dog Bag

Dog Bag instruction 6

6. Push one support hoop flat...

Dog Bag instruction 7

7. ...and flatten the other support hoop on top of it.

Dog Bag instruction 8

8. A couple of seconds of 'tidying up' and the Dog Bag can be dropped back in its rucksack. If it's still a bit big, roll it slightly tighter (see stage 5). Practice makes perfect.

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