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Dog Bag Pet Travel Products

The Dog Bag Story

What is Dog Bag?

Dog Bag was designed by two Italian dog owners, Emanuele Bianchi and Giovanni Bertoli, who wanted a transport system that was safer, kinder, more convenient and more flexible than a metal or plastic crate. So, "thinking outside the box", and taking advice from pet psychologists, they soon realised that it would need to be made of fabric - waterproof, softer and warmer than steel or plastic. The fabric would need to be thick enough to be supportive, and immensely strong. It would stand upright with an integral sprung steel frame, and fold neatly away when not in use. It would have to provide sufficient UV protection - it's almost always sunny in Italy! - as well as masses of ventilation. It would at the same time need to be cosy and comfortable as well as being spacious and airy. There'd be strong fixings to help ensure the in-car safety of both pets and passengers, and to comply with all known existing and impending legislation.

Not only should dogs prefer it on technical grounds, but owners should appreciate the extra functionality and flexibility. It would be light to carry, there'd be boot space left free for other items, no rattling noises, no risk of damage to the car, and dog hair would be contained in the bag - to be shaken out later.

"It" became Dog Bag.

Folded Dog Bags need a stuff sack to prevent them from springing open, so why not make this into a useful accessory? The stuff sack became a rucksack, complete with a range of useful sized pockets for accessories. Owners would use the main rucksack for carrying the food and feeding bowls.

In due course Dog Bag would have a range of accessories - for additional protection from cold, wind, sun and rain - and internal accessories for extra comfort. There's now also a 'Home Comfort' range which, as its name suggests, is a collection of practical, comfortable and hardwearing beds that can either be used on their own or placed in a Dog Bag of appropriate size. Familiarity reduces stress.

Dog Bags are expected to last for years, so there is no compromise on quality. The 'High Density Fabric' is an incredibly hard wearing and fully waterproof 1800 Denier ballistic nylon. All seams are taped and double sewn, and beefy YKK zips are used throughout. Nothing but the best.

Dog Bag is now reality, is very sensibly priced, and is selling superbly well. There are four sizes, so no size of dog needs to miss the fun. If anyone can think of ways to improve the range, we want to hear from you!

Here are some unbiased opinions:

from the dog's perspective:

from the owners' perspective:

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